Summer's finally here! Although a bit late? Anyway, I'm spending most of September with the glorious Nine Below Zero. Down to the south-westest of St Ives on the 9th, up north to Leek on the 22nd, and SIDCUP! That one's on the 23rd.
I'll also be on their standalone shows - Guildford on 3rd November and Cardiff on the 18th, plus Wimborne on the 9th of December and Derby on the 16th.
While the boys bring Maximum R&B around the UK with Dr Feelgood, I'll be in the rehearsal room putting my own thing together, so when I launch this solo endeavour properly I can hit the ground running, rather than blag myself into further obscurity.
The album "idiot checks" are going well. Today I popped to Asda and saw some earphones for 54p. I used this as an opportunity to give the album the "cheap earphone test" on the walk home, and it sounded equally terrible to some of my favourite records through them. Perfect!
Apple have finally sorted out my name. So now I'm on ALL streaming platforms! Type in Tom Monks on your one of choice, and enjoy the two tunes on there.
I will unleash one more tune soon, before all is revealed. Thing is I'm struggling to choose which one. What would you fancy - the whimsical, the heartfelt, the outrageous, the indulgent, the angry, the heavy, the pretty, the bluesy, or the catchy?
Let me know. Catch ya soon x
Photograph courtesy of Nick Garner